Rabbi Jeremy Schwartz
Special guest
Rabbi Jeremy Schwartz has been spiritual leader of Temple Bnai Israel in Willimantic, CT since 2000. He is a graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (1997) and served as the Assistant Director of “Kolel: A Centre for Liberal Jewish Learning” in Toronto prior to coming to Connecticut. His wide range of teaching interests includes particular emphases on mussar (ethical self-improvement), for which he’s received training from The Mussar Institute; prayer and Siddur; modern Hebrew poetry; and the theology of tikkun olam (world-repair).
Rabbi Jeremy Schwartz has been a guest on 1 episode.
Episode 13: Hebrew Poetry
May 7th, 2018 | Season 1 | 29 mins 10 secs
In this episode, I speak with Rabbi Jeremy Schwartz about modern Hebrew poetry, a recent expression of Jewish text. We talk about how modern Hebrew poets take apart traditional language and ideas and create something new from ancient building blocks.